Monday, January 31, 2011
Bad News Bears
I'm definitely glad that I didn't run the full 14 but maybe I should have stopped at 2? It's so tough because there are many long runs that I feel something is a bit off and it usually goes back to normal after a few miles. I thought this was one of those times it would just warm up a little later. All I know is that I desperately want this injury to go away FAST.
Friday, January 28, 2011
The recipe is cranberry-parmesan popcorn and can also be found online here: Thank goodness my sister introduced me to the greatness that is fresh parmesan cheese, otherwise I'd be missing out! I changed up the recipe a bit by carefully using basil infused olive oil (according to my cooking savvy bro, it burns a lot quicker than other types of cooking oils) and omitted the sunflower oil and Italian seasoning. I also added the cheese while the popcorn was still hot in the pot, which added a great bit of crispiness to the mix!
Tonight we're going to try out an Italian restaurant across town that has been receiving great reviews. Hopefully carb-ing up at this new spot will help tomorrow's run! My neck has been so achy today, I hope I can get my act together for one last long run before the race.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Friday
Second of all, today was my Friday...mean it was the last day of work for the week. YES. I love Fridays...especially when it's not even really Friday yet, and the real one is yet to come! Unfortunately my morning looked like this:
We got somewhere around 8 inches on top of all the already there snow. I'm most definitely over it (and the sidewalk not being shoveled! I needed snowshoes to get to work today).
Tonight Johnny (the hubs) and I tried The Wannabe Chef's Snickerdoodle Hummus. Our EXTREMELY small food processor didn't cut it. We had to do it in two batches, and I'm not sure the chick peas got blended well enough. It's good, but we're not 100% in love. We both think it would make a great yogurt mix-in or maybe a waffle topper. I dipped apples in, which was really good, but a little too heavy after my awesome turkey brie sandwich (from the bar next deserves a post on it's on. Someday).
Now I've got to pack. I'm off bright and early (read: crack of dawn) to New York! I'm so excited. And Johnny is too...something about spending the weekend sitting in his boxers and eating steak...
Cherry & Silver
Isn't that a gorgeous bride?? And check out that wedding location!!
My neck started to hurt during the game so I did have to take a couple of ibuprofen. I really want it to get better! During the last massage session, the therapist said I could help by doing relaxation techniques, she suggested meditating while taking deep breaths. I am not good at meditating. I try and think of something happy but I manage to stress out and I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work. Any tips on how to do this correctly??
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Getting My Chocoate Fix
my trusty snow boots! |
ANYWAY. Today started bright and early with a 6:30am spin class. I really like the instructor for this class but the room was FREEZING. I had to keep my long sleeves on the whole time and wished I had gloves. It was brutal. I couldn't warm up all day, despite the mondo cups of tea.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I did laundry after work. Turkey meatballs for dinner. Now I'm watching Law and Order:SVU with the hubs. When this episode is over I'll switch over to Biggest Loser (I have to let it DVR for a while before I start watching it because I cannot stand all the commercials). Bad news for me, I like snacks while I watch TV. I especially like sweets...meaning chocolate. I have chocolate everyday. I keep it in moderation, but sometimes it's not enought. Today I found this:
Monday, January 24, 2011
One Bowl Wonder
Meals this easy are the best in my mind. Let it be know that I don't cook. Any real food in this house is made by my dearest husband. I'm the queen of reheating and/or making things in the mircowave. Like this meal...he made the chili a few days ago, but I can heat potatoes and broccoli like a pro. I've been known to have a similar dinner with turkey meatballs.
I made it through a swim workout this evening in a pleasantly empty pool (I only had to share a lane for about 5 minutes). It's my first swim since I decided to do a tri, and I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm excited to see how much faster I can get in the next few months.
I wanted to take a picture of me in my super cool swim cap (or swim hat, as the bff calls), but I completely forgot about my intentions until I was already on my way home. So instead I'll leave you with this not-so-good picture of me all bundled up!
Afterward, she and I enjoyed some popcorn and tv time. Jay and I then went out to REI to scope out a new bike for him and one of those awesome water fanny packs for me. I was successful and even stocked up on some new running gels, they're so icky but they do make a difference in my run.
Saturday we set out and completed 20 miles!!!!! Jay has been an awesome pit crew and a great source of motivation. Our path this weekend was different and very challenging. I'll have to post our Garmin stats later. My neck did hurt but I was able to keep going and it definitely helped having Jay there to remind me to stretch and relax that muscle group. The tension in my neck is definitely affecting my stride and causing a lot of soreness in my shoulders, I hope it gets better soon. We're officially pumped for this marathon!! We rounded out our Saturday with an early dinner at our favorite sushi spot and then drinks with some great people. Sunday we attended our very first bridal expo. It was so exciting to be referred to as a bride and to have Jay referred to as my husband to be!! I don't think I stopped smiling all day.
There will not be any running this evening but I think I might start back up with my strength training lunch time sessions.
Baby it's Cold Outside (really really cold)
It's NEGATIVE degrees outside. According to the news, you can get frostbite in 20-30 minutes in this weather. I mean seriously? Frostbite? I thought that only happened when people got lost in the mountains, or skied all day long without gloves. Apparently not.
Needless to say, I braved the cold to get to work (although it took forever since all the T lines are delayed due to the cold), and it's not to cold in the office. Just to make sure I didn't freeze in the process, my wardrobe includes the following: socks, Uggs, yoga pants, dress pants, two tank tops, a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, a down vest, a fleece-lined winter coat, a scarf, a hat, and mittens. Of course, my nose was cold.
I've got a swim workout on the agenda for tonight...let's hope the pool hasn't frozen over ;)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Pizza Success
We ended up putting the pizza right on the top rack of the oven to finish up the cooking, which I'm a fan of. Almost all frozen pizza comes with directions to cook it right on the racks, so why not do it with homemade? I can't complain about the result. If nothing else, the broccoli and spinach were exactly as they should be on a a pizza, cooked enough, but not soggy or burnt. It went well with a glass of red wine.
On the racks |
MORE snow
This morning was another crazy Saturday with back-to-back classes. Because it's negative degrees in Boston not too many people were at my strength class. Although it means more room, it also means the teacher kicks our asses that much more. "Only the big dogs come out in this weather", he says, as we do yet another set of push-ups...It was brutal. I didn't think I was going to make it through Super Spin afterward, but I forced myself. I was having a pep-talk with myself the ENTIRE class so I wouldn't stop pedaling, but I did it. I won't be able to take the classes next week, so it was all the more reason to just make it happen.
Today I have spent cleaning my apartment and watching Smart People. We've had the Netflix disc for months now (we watch a lot on the Instant Queue, but tend to forget we even got a dvd in the mail), but I haven't watched it because the hubs didn't really care too much to see it. He's out doing man things this afternoon, so I took advantage of the empty apartment, and it was worth the wait. I really liked it. It's definitely a rom-com, but with a much drier sense of humor. Denis Quaid plays a miserable guy and does it SO well, and Ellen Page is pretty much fantastic (Juno? Inception? She's baller). Definitely worth renting!
Now I'm tackling the task or rearranging frames on our living room wall (the hubs now has a fancy Master degree diploma I'm adding to the wall where we proudly display our undergrad degrees), and I'm working on a dinner plan with this stuff...
I'm a little concerned because, as you can see, it's been in the freezer for a while. I'd like to do a nice light pizza tonight....I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Is it weird that I give a little wave to fellow runners during my run? Growing up, I'd see my dad wave at people we passed along our run and they'd give a little wave or smile back to us. I always admired the way it created a sense of community. I really noticed it yesterday evening when I'd acknowledge runners on my path and the majority either looked at my with annoyance, like I was crazy or right past me. Where is that sense of community? Is this just a Texas thing?? Or am I just a pest expecting too much? I'd love to hear some POVs on this dealy-o.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Last night I had to drag myself to spin class. I'm having a difficult time motivating myself to attend a spin class on the one day a week that fits perfectly into my training schedule. The teacher is great- he's very nice, patient and diversifies his classes. His music selection is not so great. I can't seem to push myself during a sprint or hill climb when we're "jammin" to Phil Collins, Dave Matthews Band and Celine Dion.... Some of my fellow cyclers seem to enjoy it but how can it really be motivating?? Is there a polite way to ask him to beef up the music? I don't want to be rude and offend the teacher or class! For now my plan is to keep attending and after the marathon my week will be much more flexible so I can attend a different class time.
I have to squeeze in a quick run today, there's an early basketball game to watch tonight!! I'm looking forward to it because today has been stressssful!
Pain In the Neck
Around mile 14 my neck pain started up. It was so much worse than before. I could feel the pain radiating down my back and up my neck. I couldn't believe I was in so much pain while on one of my strongest runs. I decided to head back to the car and not take my dad's offer to run and get the car. The last 2 miles were incredibly slow and it was just painful. I really wanted to continue on and meet the 18 mile mark but my dad talked some sense into me- if I'm in that much pain I'm only hurting my training by pushing it for 2 miles and really run the risk of causing some damage. Aren't parents smart?? Even though it was a miserable finish, it is still one of my strongest, most memorable runs.
I did go have another sport's massage and the therapist could tell that I have multiple knots that have started pinching my nerves. She thinks it's totally fixable, I just need to keep up with the massages (which I didn't do before last weekend's run...) and some stretches she taught me. When everything- my legs, breathing and mind- are finally feeling strong enough to tackle this race, I don't want to not be able to because of a nerve in my back. I'm really hoping this gets better soon.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Taking in the view at 10,378 feet |
1. I want to go skiing. I have been skiing once before in my life. I was in the fourth grade and my uncle took me to King Ridge in New Hampshire. I have not been out to the slopes since (besides the sixth grade ski trip where I tried and failed snowboarding). I know it's going to hurt when I fall...and I will fall, a lot, but I want to get out there, be cold, and ride a chair lift.
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image from here |
I hope I have a lot of other opportunities to be more adventurous in the upcoming year, but these two are definitely a must.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Paying for the Perks
First, my time off request was approved! I asked for a few days off at the end of the month so I can visit one of my very best friends (and one of my bridesmaids) in NYC! I'm really excited because I haven't been to New York in a loooongggg time, and I've never been there with someone who actually lives there. I've been a tourist, and done the tourist things, but I've never just gone and been in the city. Or enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to a few days away and some adventurers.
Second, I found out that paying big bucks for a gym in Boston can actually come in handy. My gym has branches in multiple cities, so I called their customer service line to see how much it would cost me to use the gym in NYC (I'll have a bit of time to kill after I get to the city and before my friend is done with work, so I thought I'd make some good use of that time). Turns out, I can use the gym FOR FREE. Woot. I may not have to resort to the gym, if the weather is nice enough for my to wander the city, but just in case, I'll be a ready for a free sweat sesh.
Now I just need to get through the rest of today...
image found here
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Side note, Dove has this new moisturizing shampoo and conditioner- I'm so in love with it. I kind of took a chance on it when I bought the giant bottles at Costco but I'm so glad I did, my hair is noticeably softer than when I was using the more expensive stuff. Winner!
O.J. (the juice not the football player)
Snowed In
snowy car-less road |
Luckily, I was able to get on a good treadmill. Yes, I have favorite treadmills at the gym. I personally do not like the new one (crazy, I know), but they all have TVs attached to them. And the TVs don't turn on unless you plug in your headphones. Well I don't want to listen to TV while I work out, so instead I'm faced with staring at my own reflection for my entire workout. Um, no thanks. There are three (ONLY THREE) non-TVed treadmills at the gym. I like them because I can watch the TV on the far wall if I feel like it, or just enjoy the view of the weight room. I didn't have the most impressive treadmill workout, but it felt good to run. I haven't been running for a few weeks. I got sick right after Christmas and I'd still cough up a storm if I started running, even though spinning and other cardio seemed not to bother me, so I took a break. I didn't cough at all yesterday, so I think I'm in the clear. I'm just afraid that some day soon the gym is going to replace my beloved old treadmills...
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday Gym Fail
In the ridiculously crowded locker room (I am trying not to hate on January Joiners thanks to Caitlin's post) but they were taking over and I was squished into an uncomfortable corner with mostly naked people. Strike Two. Get over it and get dressed.
And then came strike three. The one you can't recover from. In getting dressed I realized I had forgotten to pack a sports bra. Major strike out. I'm actually a two-bra kind exerciser (to keep the girls in place as best as possible), so going without even one is just not an option. So I got dressed and left. I don't think I've ever left the gym without actually working out before, and I don't love that I didn't get a work out in today (even though I wasn't feeling it in the first place), but things work out.
Instead of the gym, I went to Trader Joe's to get some groceries and just happened to run into my sister there. She's much prettier than a treadmill, so I can't complain :)
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my sister and me at my bridal shower this summer |
I was waiting to see how my knee would do on the 16 mile Saturday run before registering and booking plane tickets and a hotel room. Thankfully, it was just fine. I don't know if it was the ice or the sport's massage or maybe a combination of the two. Whatever it was, I'm SO glad it was okay.
The run itself wasn't so great. I definitely didn't hit the time that I was trying to but I know that it'll get better. I also had a very difficult time fighting the mental battle of the long run. I'd really love to hear some tips on how to defeat the mental wall.
Have you ever had a sport's massage? Did it help you? I avoided it because I usually like the mild/medium pressure and thought the deep tissue part would be too much for me to handle. The pain I've endured in my neck during long runs was finally out of control and time for me to take action. For the past year I have had this sharp pain in my lower neck/shoulder area that would show up on longer runs. The pain would radiate down my back and arm and would make just about send me crying if anything so much as touched it. At times the massage was really painful and at times it just made me laugh hysterically (which was so embarrassing). All in all, it was SO worth it. The massage therapist was able to determine that it is in fact a nerve issue and she used a lot of pressure and technique to help fix it. Normally, I'd feel this pain start around mile 4 or 5, after the massage I only saw it around mile 10 and it didn't even radiate down my back or arm!! I was advised to get a few more massages and take an herbal supplement. Umm... more massages in my life? Yes, please. It's such a relief to get rid of this pain!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Starting Off Strong
I'll be spending it with the following three things:
hot tea |
reality TV I missed earlier in the week |
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my trusty foam roller |
One reason for my exhaustion was a double work out today. Every Saturday (or as close to every as possible) I take a weight lifting class. It's a lot like the Body Pump class a lot of gyms offer and it's amazing. I took it this morning, and decided (because I'm apparently crazy) to stay for the 60 minute Super Spin class right afterward. It was a GREAT spin class, but holy cow. I'm so wiped out now, but it does feel great. I'm hoping this quality time I'm spending with my foam roller will make tomorrow hurt less. :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
In Kneed of Positive Thoughts
I'm pretty down about this because I'd like to run 16 miles tomorrow morning and enjoy it. I'd also like to still be able to get my revenge on the marathon next month. It has been such a hard fight to regain my motivation to run again and just as I'm finally feeling like my old self, this happens. I hope this isn't permanent and it's something I can get through in the next few days.