Monday, January 24, 2011

One Bowl Wonder

I love meals that have multiple parts, but can all be eaten from one bowl. Does that make sense? For example, tonight's dinner. I started with a baked potato, added some steamed broccoli, and topped it off with leftover chili and cheese! It was a delicious delicious that I didn't snap a photo until I was almost done...

Meals this easy are the best in my mind. Let it be know that I don't cook. Any real food in this house is made by my dearest husband. I'm the queen of reheating and/or making things in the mircowave. Like this meal...he made the chili a few days ago, but I can heat potatoes and broccoli like a pro. I've been known to have a similar dinner with turkey meatballs.

I made it through a swim workout this evening in a pleasantly empty pool (I only had to share a lane for about 5 minutes). It's my first swim since I decided to do a tri, and I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm excited to see how much faster I can get in the next few months.

I wanted to take a picture of me in my super cool swim cap (or swim hat, as the bff calls), but I completely forgot about my intentions until I was already on my way home. So instead I'll leave you with this not-so-good picture of me all bundled up!

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