Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting My Chocoate Fix

Guess what made an appearance again today?

my trusty snow boots!
 That's right...it snowed AGAIN in Boston...and we're expecting another 8-12 inches tomorrow night. I am most definitely OVER this weather. I don't mind the cold, and I enjoy snow every once and awhile during the winter, but I'm sick of wearing those snow boots! I have cute shoes!

ANYWAY. Today started bright and early with a 6:30am spin class. I really like the instructor for this class but the room was FREEZING. I had to keep my long sleeves on the whole time and wished I had gloves. It was brutal. I couldn't warm up all day, despite the mondo cups of tea.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I did laundry after work. Turkey meatballs for dinner. Now I'm watching Law and Order:SVU with the hubs. When this episode is over I'll switch over to Biggest Loser (I have to let it DVR for a while before I start watching it because I cannot stand all the commercials). Bad news for me, I like snacks while I watch TV. I especially like sweets...meaning chocolate. I have chocolate everyday. I keep it in moderation, but sometimes it's not enought. Today I found this:

I love mint chocolate, so I figured I'd try it out (I was at RiteAid today buying laundry detergent and I'm a sucker for the "Try This!" stuff at the cash register) and I'm happy to say I might be able to get through a night without sneaking in a second serving of chocolate....might...

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