Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Early Bird Special

Last night I had dinner with my grandmother and five of her friends. We sat down at $5 Burger night at 5:30...I usually am not even home by then, so it felt REALLY early, but it was hilarious. My g-ma and her friend are like any other group of girlfriends catching up. They drank Manhattans and I drove home. What more could you ask for?

I left work early to make it down to dinner in time, so I had to squeeze in a workout at lunch time. Although I didn't enjoy going back to work with a pink face, I LOVED the spin class I took! The instructor was SO good and the music kept me totally pumped up. Way better than my too-cold Tuesday morning class. I'll definitely be taking that one again!

I stayed at my g-ma's last night because I had a doctor's appointment this morning (yes I still see my family doctor and no I don't mind driving an hour home the once a year I need to go. It means a night with my gram of course!) After getting home from dinner before 7, I spent the evening laying on the couch helping with crossword puzzles. I am horrible at them, but my g-ma is good so I just really pretend to help. I did some laundry and my gram did the folding. I love coming home.

Even though this is not the house I grew up in, my gram has lived here for almost 15 years so it's definitely what I consider home. My mom sold my childhood home in 2006 to move to Vermont and my dad lives with his wife, so this is it. This is where I come when I say "I'm going home for the weekend" and this is the part of Massachusetts I'm really from (even though I love living in Boston, I'm definitely not a life-long Bostonian).

Now I have to catch up on work from this morning (I didn't get in until noon, thanks to my appointment), and make a grocery list. I hate going to Trader Joe's on week nights because it's so crowded, but I almost never go on weekends. Apparently, I like to torture myself with the crowds.

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